Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm going to start with a story. That story is about a little boy we all know...and some of us love. For the sake of privacy, let's call that little boy Nick. Now Nick is just like most little boys and wanted to help his buddies around the house. It was getting on towards supper time and Nick asked if there was anything he could do to help prepare dinner as he was also very hungry. Again, for the sake of privacy, let's call Nick's friends Marty, Yelf, and Adam. Marty is a consultant for IBM and apparently a pretty good cook, Yelf is a mine engineer and does a great job of blowing things up, and Adam is an ambulance driver who isn't home yet.

In response to Nick's question about helping out Marty looks to Nick and says "Yeah, can you cut the carrots to put in the stir fry?" "Of course." says Nick. "Carrots are easy peasy." Nick first peels the carrot. He then picks up the carrot and knife and begins to split the carrot in to little bits suitable for a stir fry. He knows from Boy Scouts that you don't cut toward your hand. He even thinks this as he cuts toward his hand.

"What happens to his hand?" you ask. Well let me tell you. Nick's knife slips and dives right in to his hand. He cuts his thumb and thinks that it's fine and he'll just put some super glue on it and sleep it off. Adam, the amublance driver, comes home and says "No." Adam takes Nick to the hospital where three hours later, Nick has been roughed up by the local doctors, was the subject of an intern's first attempts at treating a human being, recieved four stitches, and now owes Adam $100. Mind you, this is all after Nick has promised the fellas in the house an American Breakfast this morning.

After 5 hours of sleep Nick gets up, cooks breakfast for five people, does the dishes, watches a great Australian film called "Kenny," calls America and informs his credit card company that he is not a little old lady in Australia spending all of Nick's money, gets a prescription for a medication with codeine, buys lots of bandages and tape, and heads home. He then watches "Transporter 2," an ok film, and finishes up his day visiting with friends and attending a very cool meetings for Rising Generations.

Now I want you to all disperse and discuss what we can learn from little Nick's story...go on...disperse. Come back with 5 things to share with the rest of the class.


  1. 1. Thinking = doing
    2. Carrots are kind of worthless.
    3. Adam is a greedy bastard.
    4. Codeine is delicious.
    5. I'd like to know what an Australian Breakfast is.

  2. My friend Sarah did that too (except it was a malt machine), she can't feel that thumb anymore...

  3. 1) My dad did that once ( or twice, or more...atleast one time was a drill through the thumb)
    2) I love carrots. I ate 2 bags in 2 weeks. :P
    3) It sucks you cut your thumb, but now you will always have an interesting story to tell...sorta
    4) I hope it heals soon and doesn't ruin too many of your plans
    5) I hope you are having fun, doing things other than cutting yourself.
