Friday, June 5, 2009

So I got a job

I'm now at the library in Tamworth because I got a job at the Jackeroo School I attended and don't have internet access there...yep

It was pretty sweet. The people I met this week were hysterical. Tom, Fergus, and Ali were from Scotland and all re-f'ing-diculous. Someday I'll go visit them. They promised to put me up and show me a good time...sweet. We had a great week, learning to ride horses, herd sheep and cattle, fence, do pasture improvement, and care for tack and now I'm going to teach other people how to do it. HAHA! ...right

I took my stitches out last Wednesday...that hurt. The intern that put them in made them really tight so when I went to pull them out, they had started to be taken over by skin...not cool intern. We all have to learn, but next time maybe not on me. The plus side is that it's healing fine and I think will be back to normal in a couple weeks. YAY!

In other news, since I'll only have access to the world once a week, I'll be updating here to let you all know I'm still alive. I hope all of your summer travels have gone off without a hitch and I will see you on the flip side.

ps: my horses name was Sticker and I've named my stolen picture idea. His name is Tiny "Blue-Eye" Marron.

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